Nebraska Risk and Protective Factor Student Survey

What survey is this?

The NRPFSS is a substance abuse-related survey of Nebraska students in grades 8, 10, and 12. The Nebraska survey was adapted from nationally validated surveys including Monitoring the Future, Communities that Care, and others.

Why participate?

At this time, the NRPFSS is the only school-based public health survey that generates local and regional estimates for health planning and evaluation. In addition, it provides state estimates for substance abuse not available through other surveys. The data is utilized by local health departments, but data can also go to schools directly.

What topics does it cover?

The NRPFSS collects information related to:

  • alcohol, tobacco (vaping/electronic cigarettes, cigarettes, etc.), and illicit drug use
  • delinquent behaviors
  • bullying
  • risk and protective measures that predispose youth toward or protect them against problem behaviors, including: 
    • substance abuse
    • delinquency
    • teen pregnancy
    • school dropout 
    • violence

Who is eligible to participate?

Nebraska public and non-public students in grades 8, 10, and 12.

When is it conducted?

Beginning in 2003, it was administered in the fall of odd calendar years. When the surveys came under the umbrella of SHARP, the project was conducted in the fall of even calendar years (beginning in the fall of 2010). Currently, SHARP has returned to an odd-year schedule as a reaction to the Covid-19 pandemic. The next administration is expected to begin in the fall of 2025.

How are the data collected?

NRPFSS is a census survey. All Nebraska schools, public and private, with grades 8, 10, and/or 12 are eligible and can choose to participate. In participating schools, all students in eligible grades are asked to complete the survey.

Who conducts the survey?

This survey is coordinated by the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) and the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (NDHHS). Beginning in the fall of 2010, the Bureau of Sociological Research (BOSR) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln manages the collection and analysis of the data.

How is this survey unique?

The NRPFSS is available to all public and non-public schools with grades 8, 10, and/or 12. It is used primarily for generating local and regional estimates for substance abuse and risk and protective measures related to substance abuse and problem behaviors. The NRPFSS is the ONLY survey that allows the opportunity for schools to receive a school-specific, school district, and/or community report. In addition, it generates state level estimates for substance abuse measures not captured in the YRBS.

NRPFSS Data, Materials, and Information


State-Level Data

NRPFSS data reports given to the state since 2010.

See the State-Level Data


County-Level Data Reports

Reports on student well-being that care given to counties.

See the Data by County


Health Department-Level Data Reports

NRPFSS data reports for Health Departments.

Check the Health Department Data


Behavioral Health Region-Level Data Reports

NRPFSS Data reports for Health Regions.

Check the Behavioral Health Regions



A record of previous questionnaires in English and Spanish since 2010.

See Previous Questionnaires


Guardian Consent Forms

The forms used for parent permission.

See Consent Forms


Sample Tool for Data Interpretation (.xlsx)

This tool is used to help interpret data. The numbers listed are not representative of any one district, but to demonstrate how to read the data reports.

Open the Excel Sheet


Fact Sheet


An informational flyer about the survey.

Open the Facts Sheet


Use of Data

The ways data from the NRPFSS are used.

See Use of Data

AAPOR Disclosure Form


The Bureau of Sociological Research performs SHARP research in accordance with the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) standards. This document provides all the relevant disclosures for AAPOR compliance.

See AAPOR Sheet