Business Innovations

What was the problem?

COVID social distancing requirements meant that the telephone lab space for BOSR interviewers could not be safely used early in the pandemic. BOSR still needed to collect important data for the state of Nebraska on the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey, Adult Tobacco Survey (ATS), and the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS).

What was the innovation?

BOSR created a remote interviewing pool. Interviewers were able to call from their homes using provided cell phones and laptops, and data were collected on time and on budget for our state of Nebraska clients.

How is it working?

BOSR’s remote interviewing pool continues. This innovation allowed BOSR to make more efficient use of its limited on-campus space in Oldfather Hall, provide flexible work environments for the interviewers, and continue work on telephone projects for any of BOSR’s clients.

What are the numbers?

BOSR’s new remote capabilities have allowed even more flexibility and reach with our efforts. Up to 25 remote interviewers and 6 remote projects have been successfully adapted through this new process.

The NebrASKa Voices Panel helps partner researchers study specific, rare or small populations around Nebraska, as well as recruit for on-campus research. The panel consists of a random sample of Nebraskans managed by BOSR. Panel members are recruited to participate in future research studies and discuss their opinions or experiences as a Nebraska resident. Panels are selected through a robust, probability-based method. Twice a year, BOSR sends out the Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey (NASIS) to a representative sample of Nebraskan households. To ensure a random sample, the adult in the household who is aged 19 or older who will have the next birthday is asked to share their opinions via the survey and is then invited to join the NebrASKa Voices Panel. 1,435 Nebraskans are enrolled to date.

To discuss using this pool of potential subjects, researchers should contact BOSR directly.
