Industry Leaders and On-Campus Partners
BOSR regularly conducts experiments on modes of data collection and methods for recruiting people into web surveys, analyzes data related to interviewers, and does other methodological work to improve the quality of data for our clients and contribute to the science of surveys.

Over the last year, BOSR staff presented research at the annual meetings of
- the American Association for Public Opinion Research,
- the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research,
- the Joint Statistical Meetings, and
- the International Field Directors and Technologies conference.
In addition to being industry leaders in survey research, BOSR is also involved in serving the professional community. Senior Project Manager Amanda Ganshert is on the College of Arts and Sciences Staff Council. Senior Project Manager Mekenzie Kerr served the International Field Directors and Technologies conference by providing assistance with registration. Director Kristen Olson continues her work as Editor-in-Chief of the Survey Methodology side of the Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, among other roles.
Training the University on Survey Best Practices
BOSR supports the University’s educational and research mission in a variety of ways. During the last year, BOSR provided tailored “Survey 101” workshops for Extension, Grad Studies, and the All-Staff Conference. During these hour-long workshops on standard and program-evaluation surveys, participants learned about modes of data collection, identifying research questions, writing survey questions that reflect research questions, designing and formatting self-administered questionnaires, and the IRB application process. BOSR also facilitated experiential learning opportunities for five interns, getting them involved in all parts of the survey design and data collection process.