Providing Valuable Insights for University Partners
BOSR helps units across the university answer important questions about what faculty, staff, students, alumni, and others are doing and thinking about the University of Nebraska. Information from these data collections help departments, centers, and units at UNL gather information to improve processes, understand the current state of business, and help departments gather data for Academic Program Reviews.
Higher Education Survey
Background: University Communication & Marketing wants to understand the perceived quality and value of education at UNL compared to other institutions.
BOSR’s Role: BOSR facilitated the fielding of a web survey of parents in Nebraska and key market areas twice a year. BOSR reports on the data trends from previous administrations to see how views of the University have changed.
Data in Action: The data from this survey will help inform efforts by University Communication & Marketing to improve the perception of UNL’s quality and value.
University of Nebraska Academic Calendar Survey
Background: The University of Nebraska academic calendar included a three-week pre-session in January for students to take courses.
BOSR’s Role: 3,528 students across UNL, UNO, and UNK participated in a BOSR-administered web survey regarding their attitudes about the pre-session and decisions to or not to enroll.
Data in Action: The data from this survey will help the University determine elements of the academic calendar.
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Alumni Survey
Background: The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering conducts an Alumni Survey every 5-6 years to receive reflections from the Department’s alumni about their preparation and relevancy of the material related to their professional activities.
BOSR’s Role: BOSR mailed a web-push survey to alumni regarding how well they were prepared and how relevant their preparation by the department was in further education and/or careers.
Data in Action: The data from this survey informed the department, providing insights into future department planning and in part will be used in the 2021-2024 program assessment of its student outcomes.
Student Health Insurance Survey
Background: The University of Nebraska System sought feedback from participating students regarding the student health insurance plan.
BOSR’s Role: 654 students participated in a BOSR-administered web survey regarding their attitudes about the current health insurance plan and their needs in a future plan.
Data in Action: The data from this survey will complement the financial analysis and guide decision making regarding the current University health insurance plan for students.