The Bureau of Sociological Research (BOSR) had a banner year! With over $2.1 million in revenue, almost 150 projects, and a growing professional staff in 2022-2023, BOSR had one of our most successful years ever. We served clients from UNL, UNMC, UNO, the University system, the State of Nebraska, and other organizations on a wide range of projects and topics. BOSR provided research support services for web, mail, and telephone surveys, observational studies in the field, and qualitative interviews and focus groups. In 2022, BOSR also expanded our data analysis services, hiring new project analysts to support our clients’ statistical analysis and reporting needs. BOSR’s interviewing staff is also at full capacity, with about 75 interviewers calling on BOSR’s telephone projects. One of BOSR’s long-term interviewer supervisors, Lejla Kulovac, won a College of Arts and Sciences staff Applause award for her dedicated work and service to BOSR. It’s been a big year. Click here to read the Director's Message.

At A Glance
This year, BOSR had $2,193,367 in revenue for the 2022-23 fiscal year. These funds were dispersed across a total of 148 projects across the state, including 15 grants and 51 translation projects.
See 2023 By The Numbers2023
Notable Projects
BOSR helps the University address important topics concerning faculty, staff, students, and alumni. This year, BOSR participated in multiple projects focused on student wellbeing and academic success.
See 2023 ProjectsEmbracing Mixed-Mode Surveys
Over the years, BOSR has changed our business practices to be consistent with general mode trends in survey research. BOSR often suggests that researchers who want to understand a well-defined population should combine or “mix” survey modes. In FY 2022-2023, BOSR conducted seven large-scale mixed-mode surveys with both mail and web components. Offering both modes saves costs and fights declining response rates while also allowing those who don’t have easy internet access at home to participate.
See More On Mixed-Mode SurveysListening to the People
Qualitative Research at BOSR
FY 2023-2024 was a big year for qualitative methods, and BOSR conducted 26 different focus groups and qualitative interviews this year. Qualitative research explores and provides deeper insights into topics, and can be used with or without quantitative data components.
Did you know?
BOSR also offers focus group and qualitative interview training to researchers!
How BOSR Can Help
BOSR at UNL is here to help all researchers, evaluators, and departments with a wide variety of research services. BOSR's services include, but are not limited to:
- Collecting survey data
- Assisting with study recruitment
- Planning and conducting focus groups or in-depth interviews
- Transcription of audio recordings,
- Data entry
- Analyzing data and writing reports from collected data.
NebrASKa Voices Panel
The NebrASKa Voices Panel helps partner researchers study specific, rare or small populations around Nebraska, as well as recruit for on-campus research. The panel consists of a random sample of Nebraskans managed by BOSR. Panel members are recruited to participate in future research studies and discuss their opinions or experiences as a Nebraska resident.
Researchers should contact BOSR directly at 402-472-3672 or to discuss using this pool of potential subjects.
Learn More About the Panel