Did you know that BOSR has a list of Nebraskans that can be handpicked for your target population?
Our NebrASKa Voices panel is filled with opinionated Nebraskans that have already expressed interest in participating in surveys!
What is the NebrASKa Voices panel?
NebrASKa Voices is a panel made up of a random sample of Nebraskans managed by the Bureau of Sociological Research (BOSR) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Panel members are recruited to participate in future research studies and discuss their opinions or experiences as a Nebraska resident. Participants are provided sign-up information when they are selected to participate in the NASIS.
How do I start a project?
Researchers should contact BOSR directly at 402-476-3672 or bosr@unl.edu to discuss using this pool of potential subjects. BOSR will then discuss what types of panel members the researcher would like to include, the methodology BOSR should follow when contacting them, and costs. BOSR will then recruit, survey, or contact those identified. To ensure confidentiality of panel members, panel contact information is not provided to the researcher.
Want to learn more? Contact us today!
How does BOSR recruit for the NebrASKa Voices Panel?
Panel members are selected through a robust, probability-based method. Once to twice a year, BOSR sends out the Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey (NASIS) to a representative sample of Nebraskan households. To ensure a random sample of Nebraskans, the adult in the household who is aged 19 or older and has the next birthday after a designated date is asked to share their opinions by completing NASIS and is invited to join the NebrASKa Voices Panel. BOSR does not currently accept spontaneous opt-in to the panel from individuals who are not contacted to take part in NASIS. This ensures the panel remains a random sample of Nebraskans.
How do researchers use the panel?
Because panel members are recruited through NASIS, BOSR can use NASIS survey responses to identify specific types of panel members. For example, a researcher may ask BOSR to identify panel members who are of a specific political party, have children, are LGBT, or live in a certain area. Researchers benefit by having access to Nebraskans who have already expressed interest in participating in research and being able to filter down the panel members to members of their target population. In the past, researchers have had panelists participate in focus groups, complete surveys, and take part in in-person research at the University’s Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior (CB3).
Costs to survey panel members are $10 per record contacted, whether or not they complete the survey.
Costs to recruit a quota of panel members is $75 per person recruited. This includes sending recruitment emails and up to two phone calls per record contacted.
Other costs, such as programming web surveys, conducting focus groups/interviews, transcription, and supplies (printing and postage) are not included.