Amanda Ganshert
Assistant Director for Research and Methods Bureau of Sociological Research University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
OLDH 907
Lincoln NE 68588-0325 - Phone
Amanda Ganshert is BOSR’s Assistant Director for Research and Methods. Her master’s in Survey Research and Methodology is paired with her Project Management Professional Certification and over a decade of survey research management experience. She started working at BOSR as an interviewer in 2011, continued her training in survey methods in the Survey Research and Methodology graduate program at UNL, returned to BOSR in 2017, and has been serving BOSR in a leadership role since 2019. Amanda has worked closely with clients on study design and budgets and oversees the design and administration of the Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey (NASIS), BOSR’s flagship omnibus survey. Amanda has worked extensively with multiple units on campus to keep survey costs reasonable for clients and streamline BOSR processes. She is a member of the AAPOR Transparency Initiative Coordinating Committee and regularly demonstrates methodological expertise through presentations at regional and national conferences and through peer-reviewed publications. In this role, Amanda will oversee data collection and research methods and provide strategic and scientific leadership to meet the data collection, research, outreach, and education needs of BOSR.