Kim Meiergerd
Assistant Director for Operations Bureau of Sociological Research University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
OLDH 907
Lincoln NE 68588-0325 - Phone
Kim Meiergerd is BOSR’s Assistant Director for Operations. Kim joined BOSR in 2010 while completing her BS in Animal Science, and quickly moved into project management roles. She has extensive post-BA training in survey research and methods from UNL and in evaluation methods from The Evaluators Institute. Kim has been serving BOSR in a leadership position since 2018, managing a team of up to 10 full-time and 40 part-time staff members, including managing data collection for all of BOSR’s observational and field projects. During her time at BOSR, Kim has managed many of BOSR’s large contracts with State of Nebraska clients, including an ongoing large-scale administration of school surveys in Nebraska -- the Student Health and Risk Prevention Surveillance System (SHARP) -- and projects with Nebraska Department of Transportation and Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Kim is the Qualtrics brand administrator for the College of Arts and Sciences. Kim’s expertise has provided useful insights to clients on project budgets and study designs, especially for projects with complicated budgets and difficult data collection. In this position, Kim oversees the day-to-day operations of BOSR, including staffing, data collection, computer support, and contract management.