Kristen Olson
Director Sociology University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
703 OLDH
Lincoln NE 68588-0324 - Phone
My research focuses on survey methods, with a particular focus on why measurement, nonresponse, and coverage errors occur in surveys, as well as survey costs. Survey methods are one set of techniques in a larger group of quantitative methods. I am particularly interested in interviewer effects in survey data, including the interaction between interviewer and respondent, mixed mode data collection methods, and survey costs. I am the lead editor on a 2020 book containing papers from a workshop held at UNL in 2019 on interviewer effects. I am also interested in how question wording, visual design, and survey mode and device decisions affect the quality of answers to survey questions in mail and web surveys. I recently chaired a Task Force for AAPOR on surveys that transition from interviewer-administered to self-administered or mixed mode surveys. My recent research on coverage errors has examined a variety of methods for selecting a respondent within a household in self-administered surveys, including methods to improve this selection. My research on survey costs identifies the need for consistent cost measurements.