NASIS Public Datasets

NASIS logo on red outline of state of Nebraska
The Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey (NASIS) is an omnibus survey conducted annually since 1977. The survey produces current, topical information about Nebraskan adults (19 and older) while monitoring overall changes in quality of life. A representative sample of Nebraskans are asked to give their opinion on a variety of topics and issues each year. 

The NASIS survey is a product of the Bureau of Sociological Research of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln working in collaboration with state agencies and other educational and research organizations. The resulting data are used by a wide range of organizations for policy and program planning and by the faculty and students of the University of Nebraska for research.

Researchers can request data reports from previous years through BOSR.

Bureau of Sociological Research (BOSR) 

NASIS Datasets

The Bureau of Sociological Research maintains records of previous data obtained during each NASIS administration. This record system maintains SPSS logs from the first administration in 1977 through the present day. Researchers that participate in a NASIS administration receive their data after the completion of the project administration. This data becomes accessible to the public after the close of the most recent administration. 

The most recently released dataset is Fall 2022.

If you are interested in any NASIS data, contact the BOSR office.