Youth Tobacco Survey

What survey is this?

The Youth Tobacco Survey (YTS) is part of the National youth tobacco surveillance system designed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help states to improve the capacity to design, implement and evaluate their own tobacco prevention and control programs. The survey provides information on many key intermediate and long-term tobacco-related indicators, allowing states to measure progress toward state and national goals and objectives.

Why Participate?

The YTS is a statewide survey that provides tobacco-related information not captured through the YRBS and NRPFSS. This information can help the state and communities secure funding, identify concerns related to tobacco use, and guide youth tobacco-related prevention initiatives.

See more ways to use the data

What topics does it cover?

The YTS collects detailed information regarding the quantity and frequency of tobacco use (vaping/electronic cigarettes, cigarettes, chewing tobacco, nicotine pouches, snuff, cigars, and e-cigarettes) by adolescents. It also measures knowledge, perceptions and attitudes on health risks associated with tobacco use, indicators of the impact of media and advertising, minors’ access to tobacco products, school tobacco curriculum, tobacco initiation, addiction and cessation, and exposure to secondhand smoke. 

The questions on YTS have been tested by CDC to ensure that they are reliable and valid and the survey administration procedures were designed to protect the confidentiality of the student and school district and encourage honest responses from the students.

Who is eligible to participate?

Nebraska conducts the YTS in high schools. Public high school students in grades 9-12 are eligible to participate.

Eligible high schools are randomly selected. A subset of grades 9-12 are chosen from each participating school.

When is it conducted?

The YTS, like the other SHARP surveys (YRBS and NRPFSS), is conducted in the fall of odd years.

The next administration will be the fall of 2025.

How are data collected?

The YTS uses a random sampling method to ensure that the data accurately represents Nebraska high school students. Public high schools are randomly selected to participate, and within each selected school, specific classrooms are randomly chosen to take the survey. This process ensures that the results reflect the experiences and behaviors of students across the state. To encourage honest and accurate responses, the survey is administered using procedures designed to protect student and school district confidentiality. No personally identifiable information is collected, ensuring that responses remain anonymous and secure.

Who conducts the survey?

The YTS is coordinated by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services - Division of Public Health's Tobacco Free Nebraska program. The Bureau of Sociological Research (BOSR) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has been administering the survey since 2010.

What is unique about the YTS?

The YTS is a robust data source for state and local health departments as well as coalitions and agencies working to reduce tobacco use. It is an excellent data source for determining youth exposure to both pro and anti-tobacco messages and interventions.

YTS Data, Materials, and Information


State-Level Data

YTS data reports given to the state since 2008.

See State Data



A record of previous questionnaires in English and Spanish since 2010.

See Questionnaires


Guardian Consent Forms

Forms available for parent/guardian permission.

See Consent Forms




An informational flyer about the survey.

Open the FAQ


Use of Data

How data is used and how it can be used.

See Use of Data


Detailed Administration Methods


Detailed information on how the survey is administered.

See Methods